Tuesday, August 17, 2010

(5) Quarter-Finals Round 6 REVIEWS

1. Kruti Dance Academy
Considering I normally love dancing acts, I was quite disappointed in them. The dancing was good and very together, but it didn't really have the WOW factor that I've seen in some of the other groups.

2. Rudi Macaggi
His act was not nearly as dangerous as the last one he did. Even if you disregard that, it still wasn't 'daredevil-enough' to go onto the semi-finals.

3. CJ Dippa
The truth is the act is just boring. I admire him for writing his own raps but it's not enjoyable to listen to it because not only can you not understand what he's saying but it's all mono-tone and boring.

4. RNG
I thought they did really well tonight. It was a very tight act with great costumes, great attitude, and great choreography. They are really great dancers.

5. Harmonica Pierre
He's a great harmonica player, but it's just too boring for me. I couldn't sit and listen to him play that thing any longer, it's just not entertaining enough. I also think he could have chosen a better song to play.

6. Michael Grasso
He did an amazing trick tonight. I feel like I've seen similar-ish things before but not in the same way. He did a vegas-worthy trick that makes me want to see more.

7. The Hot Shot Tap Dancers
I was really excited for them to come back because I loved their original quarter-final performance, but I was a little disappointed. Not only did they only tap dance together with no tricks, but they did it to almost no music. The music was really bare and almost non-existent. They needed a real song to tap dance to and they needed to do some more tricks.

8. Doogie Horner
His act made me smile, but it didn't make me laugh. It's just not laugh-out-loud funny, and for that reason I don't think it's worthy of the semi-finals.

9. Connor Doran
His act is really heartwarming. It just gives you a good feeling inside. I can't say he's the most talented, but it was very interesting to watch. I would put him through simply to see if he can do anything a bit more interesting, but I just don't think it's really an act worthy of winning America's Got Talent.

10. Anna & Patryk
They really are amazing dancers, and I thought their act tonight was very entertaining. It was nice and upbeat with lots of energy. Glad to see them back.

11. Michael Lipari & Ashleigh Dejon
This was a really cool act to watch. Their acrobatics were really cool, and it really gave me a scare when she fell. I sorta knew it wasn't real though because of the heart-beating in the background, but it took me a little while.

12. Swingshift Sideshow
This was just not entertaining. They popped a couple balloons and swallowed a couple swords. That was it. Not entertaining, not WOW, not semi-final worthy.

 MY TOP 4:
-Michael Grasso
-Anna & Patryk
-Michael Lipari & Ashleigh Dejon

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