Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Quarter-Finals Round 2 REVIEWS

1. Fab Five

Really, really great tonight. I don't know if it was there dancing, the song choice, the set, the costumes, or a combination of all four that made it such a great act, but it was very entertaining, and man, those ladies can really tap dance!

2. Charles DeWayne
I don't think this was the best song choice for him, but he's definitely a great singer AND piano player. My only problem with him is that he's very similar to Eli Manning who, yes, made it into the top 5, but I don't know if America would vote for virtually the same act, twice. I think he is very talented, and has a great voice, but I'm not sure he really compares to the other singers.

3. Carol Loo
For sixty-some years old she certainly has a lot of talent, and energy, but I'm not sure she's quite right for this show. She was obviously one of those acts they put through to add some comedy to the show, but America never votes through those kinds of acts when it comes down to it (thankfully).

4. Tony & Rory
Yes, that dog is extremely intelligent AND talented. But No, I don't think it would work too well in Vegas. The guy only has one dog, and I don't think it can stay focused every single night for 90 minutes. It's a great act, but it gets pretty boring after a while.

5. Eleisha Miller
She IS cute, but she just can't sing. It's really unfortunate, because if she had a good voice she would have potential. She can play the piano decently and dance OK, but when you can't sing you can't sing.

6. Paradizo Dance
They're definitely very good and entertaining, but I've seen better dance/balance acts like that before. I think they are great when you look at them alone, but compared to some of the other acts I just don't see them winning.

7. Texas Tenors
They were really great tonight, great singing, great song choice (although the judges are partially right about what they said), and I think they are pretty good.

8. SQ Entertainment
There dance moves weren't synchronized enough, and the 'story' in their act was hard to understand. Especially compared to other dance acts, they really aren't that great, and I really just wasn't WOWed by it.

9. Pete Peterkin
I thought his first audtion was much better. I love how he impersonated Obama, but his jokes were pretty weak this week, and his impersonation was good but overall just bland.

10. Alizma
I don't know what they were thinking, especially when that girl tried to hit that really high notes. They aren't TERRIBLE singers, but they should have played the violin more and sang less.

11. Beale Street Flippers
This act really wasn't that special, and even if they make it through they would never beat AcroDunk anyways. It was just a bunch of stupid little flips and nothing that big or amazing.

12. Voices of Glory
I thought there first audition was better, and there vocals seemed to be a little off during some of their performance. Their voices didn't blend together as well as before, but they are definitely talented kids.

Not exactly a night full of AMAZING talent, but here are my top five...
-Texas Tenors
-Fab Five
-Paradizo Dance
-Voices of Glory
-Charles DeWayne

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