Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Quarter-Finals Round 4 REVIEWS

1. Ishaara
They are by far my favorite dance act of the season. They are unique, precise, and fun to watch! I like how they are doing something different. I definitely thought their first audition was better, but I hope America listens to Sharon and votes for them!

2. Barbara Padilla
She is an amazing singer! She has a great voice and really performed well tonight. She looked beautiful, sang beautiful, and has a beautiful story to back it all up.

3. Pam Martin
It was good but not great. It was sort of boring and she did the same stuff as her first audition.

4. African High Fliers
It was really cool, but there wasn't enough variety in the act.

5. Mia Boostrom
She's good, but not great, especially compared to Barbara Padilla.

6. Erik & Rickie
They are really talented, but I'm not sure how America will like them.

7. Coney Island Chris
He was terrible, boring, and stupid. He did nothing jaw-dropping, and that's what he needed to do to even be considered for America's vote.

8. Matt & Anthony
He's a good tap dancer but the singing isn't that great. I like the moving set but the Fab Five are better.

9. The Lollipop Girls
I don't see anything special about them. They are just a stupid stripper act which requires no talent.

10. Drew Stevyns
He was good but not great.

11. Recycled Percussion
I thought it was full of energy and really cool, but I would have liked to see more unique props being used.

12. EriAm Sisters
They were good but I thought there first audtion was better. I really like them and they are definitely talented.

This was the best quarter-finals night so far, but here are my top 5:
-Barbara Padilla
-EriAm Sisters
-Erik & Rickie
-Recycled Percussion

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