Wednesday, August 3, 2011

(6) Quarter-Finals Round 4 RESULTS

Fatally Unique vs. Frank Miles vs. Avery and the Calico Hearts vs. Taylor Davis
MY GUESS: This is an interesting one. I'm guessing probably not Frank Miles and the Sh'Boss Boys didn't get through so probably not Avery. Maybe Fatally Unique? The judges gave them lots of praise last night. But America does love its singers...
RESULT: Fatally Unique
MY THOUGHTS: Yay! I'm actually sort of surprised because usually America doesn't like dance groups, but this was definitely a good pick.

Zuma Zuma vs. Yellow Designs Stunt Team
MY GUESS: This is a very tough one to call, because they are both good acts and involve some danger, so it's hard to pick but if I had to I would guess Yellow Designs because the judges really liked them last night and America is usually greatly influenced by the judges. The only reason I know it's not both is because that would mean Team iLuminate was not in the Top 3 which I know they were.
RESULT: Zuma Zuma
MY THOUGHTS: They are a good group with lots of unique tricks and a hint of danger.

Scott Alexander vs. Team iLuminate vs. Sam B
MY GUESS: Team iLuminate. There's no doubt in my mind.
RESULT: Team iLuminate
MY THOUGHTS: No shock there. They remind me a lot of Fighting Gravity from last year so they will probably ending up making it to the Finals and could probably win if they keep improving.

Charles Peachock vs. The Kinetic King vs. Melissa Villasenor
MY GUESS: The Kinetic King will be eliminated. He screwed up too badly last night.
RESULT: The Kinetic King
MY THOUGHTS: If you screw up like that, you're going home. Even America can figure that out.

          Charles Peachock vs. Melissa Villasenor
          MY GUESS: Piers will choose Charles cause he had good things to say
          about him last night but also didn't care for Melissa too much. 
          Sharon and Howie will choose Melissa and she will move on.
          RESULT: Melissa Villasenor
          MY THOUGHTS: Called it! She is really great and really deserves
          this. Glad to see her moving on.

TOP 4:
Fatally Unique (my #2)
Zuma Zuma (my #5)
Team iLuminate (my #1)
Melissa Villasenor (my #4)

3/4 : Pretty good! I picked the Top 5 acts anyways, but America chose my #5 instead of my #3. Overall I am very happy. Good job America!

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