Wednesday, August 24, 2011

(6) Semi-Finals Round 1 RESULTS

Sandou Trio Russian Bar vs. Zuma Zuma vs. Matt Wilhelm vs. Team iLuminate
MY GUESS: Team illuminate obviously. Two of the acts screwed up and Zuma Zuma just wasn't that good.
RESULT: Team iLuminate
MY THOUGHTS: Duh. They were great last night! Really great performance! The other three acts all had potential but just didn't bring it last night.

Poplyfe vs. Lys Agnes
MY GUESS: Since 5 acts are going through this week, I have a feeling that it's going to be both of them. The judges loved Lys but I think people also really like Poplyfe.
RESULT: Poplyfe and Lys Agnes
MY THOUGHTS: The only way for them to be "that close" but not be up for judges pick is for them to both be through. They are both great, though Lys was not in my top 5. 

Melissa Villasenor vs. Miami All-Stars vs. Kevin Colis
MY GUESS: I think it's pretty clear that it's Miami All-Stars. Maybe Melissa, but the judges gave lots of praise to Miami last night so my guess is them. 
RESULT: Miami All Stars
MY THOUGHTS: I'm sad to see Melissa go, but the All Stars are great.

Beth Ann Robinson vs. Daniel Joseph Baker vs. West Springfield Dance Team
MY GUESS: This is very, very tough, especially because all three were in my Top 5. In fact, I won't even call this one. I just can't do it. I have no idea who is leaving. Probably not Daniel though.
RESULT: Beth Ann Robinson
MY THOUGHTS: Wow, she was really great. Sad to see her leave.

          West Springfield Dance Team vs. Daniel Joseph Baker
          MY GUESS: Very tough decision, but I have a feeling they will choose Daniel.
          RESULT: West Springfield Dance Team
          MY THOUGHTS: Wow. That was a shocker. I honestly thought they would 
          choose Daniel. I certainly can't complain though, I love WSDT.

TOP 4:
Team iLuminate (my #1)
Poplyfe (my #2)
Lys Agnes (my #7)
Miami All Stars (my #6)
West Springfield Dance Team (my #3)

3/5 is pretty good, plus I got my top 3 acts. :)

1 comment:

  1. this is wack. Either ZumaZuma or Daniel should have made it over west springfield dance team.
