Thursday, August 27, 2009

Quarter-Finals Round 4 RESULTS

The last of the top 20:

1. Barbara Padilla
She has a great voice and will undoubtedly go far in this competition. She is bascially the female Neal E. Boyd, and well, he won!

2. Erik & Rickie
They are very cute and definitely have talent. Will they make it past the semi-finals? I'm not so sure...

3. Drew Stevyns
What?!? That was sort of unexpected. I'm sure all the ladies like him, but his voice really isn't that great. Ishaara was way better.

4. Recycled Percussion
They definitely have a really energetic act, but I really want to see them do something different.

5. EriAm Sisters
They are very good, and I can tell America likes them. I hope to see them move to the finals, but only time will tell.

4/5 but not my favorite act (Ishaara)!

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