Thursday, July 15, 2010

(5) Quarter-Finals Round 1 RESULTS

The first of the Top 24:

Nathaniel Kenyon
Eh....This is starting to remind me of Kevin Skinner and how he really wasn't that good but America seemed to like him for some reason. All I can say is: this kid better not win.

Fighting Gravity
I knew they would go through! They are truly unique and very fun to watch!

Christina & Ali
Great to see them go through but sad to see them beat The Hot Shot Tap Dancers. I can't wait to hear what they sing in the next round.

Future Funk
I would have prefered RNG but I understand why America likes them so much. They are very cute and are surely talented. I hope they bring something new next week.

2/4 isn't bad. At least I agree with 50% of the top 24 at this point...

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