Wednesday, July 14, 2010

(5) Quarter-Finals Round 1 REVIEWS

Overall, I would say this was a decent Quarter-Finals Opener. The talent was decent, and I think it will be tough for America to make a decision.

Kung Fu Heroes
While martial arts is always cool, I felt like this act really lacked any sort of structure. I would prefer if it were chroegraphed more instead of just random flips and kicks across the stage. They are certainly talented, but there have been many martial arts groups were better.

Christina & Ali
When the girls sing together with the harmony it sounds really good. They are both really good singers and I like that they are younger but are also a pair instead of just solo singers.

I will admit that they are very entertaining to watch, but I just don't see people paying to go see them headline a show in Las Vegas. They are a great group with lots of energy, but I can't see them doing much more than they did in this performance.

The Hot Shot Tap Dancers
I always love dancing groups, but these guys are really talented. The tap dancing is superb, and I think they would be better off if they ditched the 'story'. They remind me of the Fab Five from last season (who were my favorite to win) who made it to the finale but did not win.

Paul Safy Jr.
He's a good singer, but he does not stand out in the way that someone on America's Got Talent (a show for all types of acts) should.

Future Funk
The kids are very cute, but I just can't see it sustaining in Las Vegas. They are very talented, but the way it was put together was not great.

Sally Cohn
She's a lovely lady and her hand whistling is quite impressive, but I just can't see her going on any farther than this. It's simply not a diverse enough talent to do anymore than what she has done already.

Nick Pike
I agree with Piers in the fact that there was really nothing dangerous about his act. Sure, there was a lot of fire, but when you take it away there is really nohting more than a guy doing some random tricks.

I thought their choregraphy was very tight and cool. The story worked really well for them and I am impressed with their dancing abilities at their ages.

I thought her performance tonight was kind of boring. I like the other stuff she did better, but overall I just can't see her being in a show in Las Vegas. It's just not entertaining enough until you see the final product.

Fighting Gravity
This is no doubt one of the coolest acts I've seen. I was hoping they would do something more for this performance, but I can't help wanting to see what they might do next. It is a really unique idea and I have no doubt America will vote them throgh.

Nathaniel Kenyon
I don't think his voice is that great regardless of the sickness he had. I think he's better of sticking with a guitar instead of just plain singing, but I honestly just don't think he has that good of a voice.
Here are the four acts I think deserve a spot in the next round:

-Fighting Gravity
-The Hot Shot Tap Dancers
-Christina & Ali

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