Thursday, July 19, 2012

(7) Quarter-Finals Round 3 RESULTS

Jacob Williams (my #5)
Although he wasn't in my top 4, I was so close to putting him there. Although I don't think he's as good as Tom Cotter, it will be interesting to see what happens in the Semi-Finals. I like his character so I'm excited to see what he does next.

Lightwire Theater (my #1)
They rightfully deserve to move through to the semi-finals, especially compared to the quality of acts that performed last night. I am very excited to see what they do to take it to the next level.

The Untouchables (my #3)
Very happy to see them go through. They are great dancers, especially considering their age. I would almost go as far as to say they are better than the Miami All-Stars. It's so amazing to see such young people dancing so well.

All Wheel Sports (my #2)
I think they have great potential to put together a really good act that could do well in Vegas. That being said, I think they have a lot of room for improvement.

My Picks vs. America's
I agreed with 3 out of 4 acts, but at least Jacob Williams was my #5.

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